News & Events
20 Feb 2016 (Sat)
PTA Spring Outing 2016

Dear Parents & Students,

The PTA is inviting parents and students to join our Spring Outing on the 20th of February 2016.  The aim of the event is to foster a closer relationship among the 
school staff, parents, and students.  It is not only an opportunity for us to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life but also a chance to meet other families who are part of our LaSallian community as well.  All parents and students are welcome and the Brothers and teachers will also be invited. 

Spring Outing will be a day trip as follows:

    20th February 2016 (Saturday)
   9:00am at La Salle College (Coach from La Salle College to Po Sang Yuen Bee Garden)

5:00pm dismiss at La Salle College

Charge: PTA members: $150 per person (non-members: $200 per person) including a Chinese pigeon meal , coach fee, and tour guide (in Cantonese)


We will arrive at Po Sang Yuen Bee Garden at around 10:00am where specialists will explain the process of housing bees and generating honey.  After the visit participants will enjoy lunch at Lung Wah Hotel for the best-known deep-fried pigeons.  After lunch participants will visit the mysterious Sha Tau Kok area which was listed as a restricted area for years, and explore the traditional rural villages there.  Then participants will visit Luk Keng Nam Chung Ecozone.  Luk Keng is well-known for its natural scenery and wildlife which is a contrast to Hong Kong's modern culture.  Participants will enjoy the spectacular scenery of the mangroves and wetlands and watch rare birds in Luk Keng.  They will also trek in the breathtakingly beautiful Nam Chung area.


To facilitate planning we urge you to enroll as early as possible.  Please enroll via eClass and submit a crossed cheque payable to “LSCPTA” to the PTA’s Drop Box at the School Office on or before the 2nd of February 2016 (Tuesday).  

For enquiries please feel free to contact Mr. CHAN Tong at .  Please write student’s name, parent’s contact number, and ‘PTA 
Outing’ on the back of your cheque.  Further details such as the contingency arrangements regarding adverse weather and updated information about the tour will be posted on the PTA web site.

Thank you for your support.  We are looking forward to seeing you on 
Saturday, 20th of February 2016.

Wishing you a prosperous Chinese New Year.

P.S. La Salle College Parent Teacher Association (LSCPTA) reserves the right to use any photograph/ video taken at any event organized by LSCPTA for LSCPTA purposes only.  Such LSCPTA purposes include publications or other media material produced or used by LSCPTA including but not limited to: brochures, invitations, boards, newsletter, websites, etc.  Your consent for this may be assumed unless we have received a written objection beforehand.





日期: 二零一六年二月二十日(星期六、正月十三)


行程:早上約十時到達寶生園養蜂場,園內有專人講解養蜂知識,安排參觀養蜂場。接着前往龍華酒店 馳名國際的乳鴿美食膳後乘車前往沙頭角,了解這個神秘地區的歷史及文化。然後乘車往南涌鹿頸風景生態區,觀看原野和濕地的鳥類,如魚郎、鳽、鷺類等雀鳥最後乘坐旅遊車返回喇沙書院解散。


請家長從速在學校內聯網報名,並在二月二日(星期二)前,將支票(抬頭:LSCPTA)投入設於校務處之家教會收集箱;請在支票背面寫上學生姓名、班別、家長聯絡電話及『新春旅行』。如有查詢,請透過電郵 聯絡陳唐老師。




備註: 家長教師會有權使用任何在活動中拍攝之照片或視頻,以作本會行政或宣傳之用,當中包括(但並不限於)由本會製作或使用之刋物或媒體,如小冊子、邀請文件、展板、會刋及網頁等。懇請家長支持。如有不同意者,請以書面通知本會。

Yours Sincerely,

Ms. Shirley Wong Shuk Wa 

Chairperson, LSCPTA  喇沙書院家長教師會主席

Br. Steve HOGAN  賀敬修士

Principal  校長

News & Events

20 Feb 2016
PTA Spring Outing 2016

Dear Parents & Students,

The PTA is inviting parents and students to join our Spring Outing on the 20th of February 2016.  The aim of the event is to foster a closer relationship among the 
school staff, parents, and students.  It is not only an opportunity for us to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life but also a chance to meet other families who are part of our LaSallian community as well.  All parents and students are welcome and the Brothers and teachers will also be invited. 

Spring Outing will be a day trip as follows:

    20th February 2016 (Saturday)
   9:00am at La Salle College (Coach from La Salle College to Po Sang Yuen Bee Garden)

5:00pm dismiss at La Salle College

Charge: PTA members: $150 per person (non-members: $200 per person) including a Chinese pigeon meal , coach fee, and tour guide (in Cantonese)


We will arrive at Po Sang Yuen Bee Garden at around 10:00am where specialists will explain the process of housing bees and generating honey.  After the visit participants will enjoy lunch at Lung Wah Hotel for the best-known deep-fried pigeons.  After lunch participants will visit the mysterious Sha Tau Kok area which was listed as a restricted area for years, and explore the traditional rural villages there.  Then participants will visit Luk Keng Nam Chung Ecozone.  Luk Keng is well-known for its natural scenery and wildlife which is a contrast to Hong Kong's modern culture.  Participants will enjoy the spectacular scenery of the mangroves and wetlands and watch rare birds in Luk Keng.  They will also trek in the breathtakingly beautiful Nam Chung area.


To facilitate planning we urge you to enroll as early as possible.  Please enroll via eClass and submit a crossed cheque payable to “LSCPTA” to the PTA’s Drop Box at the School Office on or before the 2nd of February 2016 (Tuesday).  

For enquiries please feel free to contact Mr. CHAN Tong at .  Please write student’s name, parent’s contact number, and ‘PTA 
Outing’ on the back of your cheque.  Further details such as the contingency arrangements regarding adverse weather and updated information about the tour will be posted on the PTA web site.

Thank you for your support.  We are looking forward to seeing you on 
Saturday, 20th of February 2016.

Wishing you a prosperous Chinese New Year.

P.S. La Salle College Parent Teacher Association (LSCPTA) reserves the right to use any photograph/ video taken at any event organized by LSCPTA for LSCPTA purposes only.  Such LSCPTA purposes include publications or other media material produced or used by LSCPTA including but not limited to: brochures, invitations, boards, newsletter, websites, etc.  Your consent for this may be assumed unless we have received a written objection beforehand.





日期: 二零一六年二月二十日(星期六、正月十三)


行程:早上約十時到達寶生園養蜂場,園內有專人講解養蜂知識,安排參觀養蜂場。接着前往龍華酒店 馳名國際的乳鴿美食膳後乘車前往沙頭角,了解這個神秘地區的歷史及文化。然後乘車往南涌鹿頸風景生態區,觀看原野和濕地的鳥類,如魚郎、鳽、鷺類等雀鳥最後乘坐旅遊車返回喇沙書院解散。


請家長從速在學校內聯網報名,並在二月二日(星期二)前,將支票(抬頭:LSCPTA)投入設於校務處之家教會收集箱;請在支票背面寫上學生姓名、班別、家長聯絡電話及『新春旅行』。如有查詢,請透過電郵 聯絡陳唐老師。




備註: 家長教師會有權使用任何在活動中拍攝之照片或視頻,以作本會行政或宣傳之用,當中包括(但並不限於)由本會製作或使用之刋物或媒體,如小冊子、邀請文件、展板、會刋及網頁等。懇請家長支持。如有不同意者,請以書面通知本會。

Yours Sincerely,

Ms. Shirley Wong Shuk Wa 

Chairperson, LSCPTA  喇沙書院家長教師會主席

Br. Steve HOGAN  賀敬修士

Principal  校長

18 La Salle Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Copyright © 2015 La Salle College Parent Teacher Association.
All rights reserved.